Ireland Bucket List

Ireland Bucket List

Sometimes, I am so concerned about seeing the rest of the world that I end up forgetting what is right under my nose. In an effort to change that, here is my Ireland Bucket list.…

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My ‘Sights of Ireland’ Wish List

My ‘Sights of Ireland’ Wish List

Travelling and seeing more of our beautiful homeland of Ireland is definitely a priority for me in 2019 for two reasons: One, there is a lot of beautiful things to see in Ireland and two,…

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5 Places You HAVE to Visit in Ireland

5 Places You HAVE to Visit in Ireland

Ireland is a beautiful country. One that is rich in culture, history and craic! Below are my 5 favourite places in the whole of Ireland. All of them are worth visiting. Many of them can…

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The Big List of Concerts

The Big List of Concerts

As you can see from this list, I go & have been to a hell of a lot of concerts. When I was younger, my parents used to bring me and my sisters to all…

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